Thursday, May 31, 2012

It’s Kind of a Funny Story

It’s Kind of a Funny Story, tuhh.... 

Aku pikir ini film yang bisa bikin ketawa tapi garing. 
I mean... just look to the title of it. Mana ada film lucu yang ngaku lucu, sama kaya maling ngaku maling. Kan jadinya kaya pahlawan kesiangan sebenernya aku kurang suka pake istilah itu. It’s way better if i call.... okay i have no idea. Skip it. Tapi ternyata aku nemu banyak kejutan kecil tentang kehidupan di dalamnya.

It’s Kind of a Funny Story reminded me of two difference kind of movie i’ve wacthed. The Confessions (Japan) and Art Getting By (US). The messages i think seems alike, but the way it delivered was more fun.  About the teens surrounded by all their complicated problems, but however it took, they should to respect their lives, still.
The last part i think it’s kind of a cool part. When craig said:

But the difference between today and last Saturday
Is that for the first time in awhile, i can look forward to the things i want to do in my life
_ _ _ _
Bike, eat, drink, talk,
Ride the subway, read,
hug my mom, kiss my little sister, kiss my dad
have a party, tell people my story
_ _ _ _

Yeah LIVE to be ALIVE like BigBang, hehe

And about more little surprises i’ve told, there was Zach Galifianakis orang-paling-menyebalkan- sedunia-dilayar-kaca,  how can i call it in english? Gimana nggak kalo udah nonton Hungover pasti tahu gimana rasanya kaki kita gemes pengen give a kick to his ass. Atau di Due Date dimana The cool guy ever, the handsome one, Robert Downey dia bikin sial most of time. Huft. Tapi disini.. di film iniii... he’s totally looks differ!.

Yang paling wowing tuh scene mutering lagu arab mesir timur tengah gimanaaaa gitu. Ahahaha, terus mereka semua pada joget dugem. Bisa bayangin? Orang-orang bule, muter lagu urdu terus joget-joget?.
Anyway, menurut aku film ini juga ngasi gambaran tentang gak boleh rasis, rasis is old fashion. When Craig like Nia, and He’ve tried to help Muqtada.
Tapi tetep aja aku lebih suka Lee Seung Gi jalan sama Emma Roberts daripada sama Jessica Sanchez. Lho??!

Then, hal menarik lainnya aku cuma mau tanya sama Pak Presiden: “Kapan di Indonesia ada tempat seperti 3 North?”

Ada bosennya juga sii nonton film ini, tapi most of all it’s fun!

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